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Doctor building much-needed medical facilities in Ghana

Dr. Edna MarkAddy, a hospitalist at Leominster Hospital, is the founder of MedHealth Center in Ghana, West Africa, where she is building clinics. She talked about what she has been doing at her home in Holden on Thursday afternoon. (SENTINEL& ENTERPRISE/JOHN LOVE)
LEOMINSTER — If you want to build a hospital in Ghana, the first thing you’re going to need is land.

Dr. Edna MarkAddy’s goal was to find a place somewhere outside the capital city of Accra, in an area not too far from where she had grown up. As she searched around the greater Accra region, she happened upon a doctor performing routine checkups on newborns.

With no office to work in, the doctor was performing the examinations outside, standing under a tree.

To read the article featured in the Sentinel & Enterprise and written by Peter Jasinski: Click Here

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